New Blog Launched To Help Potential American Bulldog Buyers Avoid Fraudulent Breeders and Kennels

Released on = March 27, 2006, 4:36 pm

Press Release Author = James Carter

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Blog launched to help potential American Bulldog puppy
buyers avoid fraudulent breeders and kennels.

Press Release Body = "We have created a blog specifically for those that are looking
to purchase American Bulldogs and to help avoid the frustration imposed by
fraudulent breeders and kennels," states James Carter developer of

For more information please go to

"The purchase of an American Bulldog puppy should be a stress free and enjoyable
transaction. But we are aware that there are a few disreputable breeders and
kennels out there that turn the entire situation into a nightmare. It is our
intention to draw attention to these \"few.\"

"There are a number of ways one can search for the \"perfect puppy, newspaper ads,
personal referral, and of course, the internet. We have found that more and more
buyers use the internet to search for an American Bulldog. Internet use frequently
means that the kennel is outside of the purchaser's geographic area. For a
disreputable kennel or breeder this scenario is a dream come true because they will
insist on upfront payment for the puppy and freight charges."

"There are numerous, fairly sophisticated looking American Bulldog web sites to
choose from when searching for a puppy. The web sites often include happy family
photos, prestigious awards won at NKC or ABD events, and some even have special
areas for references from previous buyers. The unsuspecting buyer is lulled into
believing that he or she has found a breeder one can trust. Most of the time this
is true; but what happens if this is not the case?"

"Basically, there are two scenarios that can turn a transaction into a nightmare
for the buyer. The first is that there are breeders and kennels that have
deliberately misled the buyer in various categories such as the condition or
lineage of the puppy. The second situation involves those breeders that are so
arrogant and self important that they feel they are above the law just by virtue of
their \"credentials.\"

"If you end up buying from an unscrupulous breeder, you will not have to wait long
to find out. If there is anything wrong with the puppy on arrival, a reputable
breeder will quickly move to rectify the situation. The smarmy breeder will throw
out all kinds of excuses in an attempt to placate the buyer."

"The operative word is \"delay!\" The longer the breeder can convince the buyer that
the puppy is actually OK, and that the \"real\" problem is the buyer\'s ignorance and
lack of experience with American Bulldogs; the greater chance the buyer will either
\"bond\" with the puppy and decide not to press the issue, or simply realize the
arduous task at hand in rectifying the situation."

"We know this type of \"horror story\" when dealing with a breeder or kennel is out
there, and we want anybody that has experience one to please post their comments on
our blog. By doing so, will provide valuable information to future buyers of
American Bull Dogs. The goal is to help people wishing to purchase an American
Bulldog, avoid unscrupulous breeders and kennels."

"We would like to point out that our blog is to draw attention only to the
dishonest members of the American Bulldog community. There are hundreds of honest,
hard working breeders and kennels in the US and we support their efforts,"
concludes Carter.

For more information please go to

Web Site =

Contact Details = James Carter

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